About the Team



Wiltrud Weidinger
Wiltrud Weidinger, Dr. phil. (*1973) has worked as a primary school teacher in various bilingual public schools and as a trainer for teachers and students in Austria and Eastern Europe. In 2004 she became a lecturer at the Thurgau University for Teacher Education (CH) in Psychology and Didactics of English as well as a mentor for students at the Zurich University of Teacher Education. Her qualifications include a doctorate in Education and a Master’s degree in Education/Psychology of the University of Vienna, a Master of Science in Education (School Psychology) from the City University of New York. She currently works as a lecturer for Didactics at the Zurich University of Teacher Education. In the IPE she is mainly responsible for management tasks and the conceptualising of projects.


Rolf Gollob
Rolf Gollob, Prof. Dr. h.c. (*1955) was a primary school teacher for years before studying cultural anthropology at University of Zurich. After obtaining his Master’s degree he concentrated on ethnological research and later went on to become a lecturer at Zurich University of Teacher Education. He has focussed his efforts on civic education and intercultural pedagogy. Since 1996, he has repeatedly travelled to East/South East Europe Asia and Africa as an expert in general teaching methodology, human rights and civic education. In the Centre IPE he is responsible for the acquisition and realisation of projects in the field of Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education. Since 2008 Rolf Gollob is the Swiss National Coordinator for Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights for the Council of Europe.


Research project management, lecturer

Basil Schader

Basil Schader
Basil Schader, Prof. Dr. Dr. phil. (*1951). Worked for six years as a primary school teacher before completing his studies in German philology and pedagogy, anthropology and Albanian language and culture. He has worked in the area of language teaching and as a specialist in the area of intercultural broadening if teaching practice in Zurich’s initial teacher training programmes; as an initiator and until 2011 as head of the subject discipline of German as an additional language (DaZ). As of 2008 he has worked with the IPE where he has lead various projects. He has extensive publication activity and experience (in research, teaching and learning materials and teaching handbooks). His work and research focuses on intercultural orientation in language teaching and learning, Albanian language, culture and migration, as well as teaching and learning materials.


Scientific Officer, Project Coordinator


Sabrina Marruncheddu
Sabrina Marruncheddu, lic. phil. (*1971) acquired her Master of Arts degree in English and Italian and her teaching diploma for secondary level II at the University of Zurich. After her studies she went on to teach at various grammar schools until she joined the Zurich University of Teacher Education as a project coordinator in 2003. Since then she has been involved in numerous educational projects such as the Support for Teacher Education Project (STEP) in Bhutan. In the IPE she is responsible for the coordination of projects and scientific research.

Doris Kuhn

Doris Kuhn
Doris Kuhn, BA (*1964) initially worked in the commercial and tourist industries in various roles. She joined the PH Zurich in 2003 as an assistant in the subject area of education and subsequently studied anthropology, comparative religion and history of art at the University of Zurich. She has worked in various departments of the PH Zurich, including initial teacher training as well as professional development, in both organisational as well as teaching roles. As of 2013, she has been actively engaged as a research assistant at the IPE on the project «Living Democracy South East Europe (Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education)» and on a Roma education project in Romania, in addition to her second job in human resource management for the prorector of education and research.


Project Manager

Corinna Mauth

Corinna Borer
Corinna Borer, Dr. rer. nat. (*1976), studied biotechnology in Germany. After completing her doctoral studies in neurobiological research, she worked as a scientific research associate at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) in Winterthur, where she led research projects in the field of medical technology, supervised students undertaking master theses and was also active in teaching. In 2007, she started work as a project manager in the industrial sector, where she mainly planned and directed research projects for the development of implants. As of 2012 she has worked as a project manager for the IPE and is responsible for project coordination, information design and structure and the management of internal and external interfaces. In her spare time she volunteers for a career counselling service in Aargau, where she works as a junior mentor.


Communication Expert, Project Coordinator


Franziska Agosti
Franziska Agosti studied at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK – formerly HGKZ). Following this, she worked as a painter and ran her own studio for many years. She then worked as an editor for a national Swiss daily newspaper. At the IPE she is responsible for communication as well as the coordination of projects such as «Chance for Children/Ghana». In her spare time she does voluntary work in the field of media relations for an international NGO.


Financial Expert


Tenzin Yangzom Ribi
Tenzin Yangzom Ribi is responsible for the planning, controlling and execution of all financial processes in connection with the IPE projects and also operates as a link between the Project Management Committee of IPE and the Finance and Controlling department of the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PH Zurich). Before joining the IPE team in 2012, she worked at various banks in Zurich. She graduated from the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS) in Bengaluru, India with a degree in agricultural science and earned a business administration degree with specialization in accounting, controlling, auditing at the University of Applied Science in Zurich (ZHAW). She lives with her husband and two children in Zurich.


Coordinator for Greece and expert on the projects “Living Democracy” and “CORE” (Children of Refugees in Education).

Angeliki (Gelly) Aroni

Angeliki (Gelly) Aroni
Gelly Aroni, Phd, is working for the Special Secretariat for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors in the Ministry of Migration & Asylum in Greece. She was actively involved in the establishment and has been the Head of the Department for the Coordination and Monitoring of the Refugee Education of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (2016-2020). She has extensive experience as a Physical Education teacher in Intercultural Schools where she used cooperative games to promote, through active participation and collaborative learning, the principles, content and values of Democracy education. She has been working as an expert and a trainer in the Council of Europe and European Wergeland Center’s programmes on Human Rights Education and Education for Democratic Citizenship. Since March 2013 she is the Coordinator for Greece and expert on the projects “Living Democracy” and “CORE” (Children of Refugees in Education). She has facilitated workshops for Arigatou International on Intercultural and Interfaith Programmes for Ethics Education in Europe, Asia and Africa. 



Peti Wiskemann

Peti Wiskemann
Peti Wiskemann (*1969) Artist and Illustrator. All the illustrations of the Living Democracy Volumes were drawn by Peti Wiskemann. The drawings are made with pencil on paper, the coloring he made digital.

He lives and works in Zurich. He learned graphic design. As artist he draws a lot, also on drawing-journeys. The drawings can be seen in exhibitions or in printed form. As an illustrator he likes to draw colorful and busy pictures! Peti Wiskemann teaches art, drawing and performance in different schools. With Christine Bänninger he does art-performances in exhibitions and in the public space.


2Katerina Filopoulou
Katerina Filopoulou, (*1980) is an Architect (University of Thessaly), has a Masters’ degree on Design / Space / Culture (School of Architecture, National Technological University of Athens) and is a PhD candidate (Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly). At her workspace she explores the socially engaged notions of temporality and condensation in the fields of art, architecture and the everyday life. Since 2013, she has been collaborating with IPE in the context of the educational program “Living Democracy SEE” as website graphic designer, content management and support. She lives with her family in Athens.



Svetlana Lazic
Svetlana Lazic, PhD in Pedagogy (*1970) works as professor of vocational studies in Preschool Teachers Training College in Novi Sad and as assisted professor at Pan-European University “Apeiron” in Republic of Srpska / Bosnia and Herzegovina. She worked as television journalist, mainly in Educational programme. She also worked in the office of the Provincial Ombudsman of Vojvodina, where she participated in protection, implementation and improvement of rights of the child. Since 2013 she has cooperated with Zurich University of Teacher Education and with Centre for International Projects in Education. She is editor of all 6 EDC/HRE volumes in Serbian and participates in spreading the concept of EDC/HRE in kindergartens, primary and high schools. She’s very interested in topics like child’s protection from violence, inclusion process, cooperative motoric games as a model for understanding and implementation of child rights, interculturality.

Web Team

Kiriakos Agadakos

Kiriakos Agadakos
Kiriakos Agadakos (*1981) is a digital marketing professional and he is working for a startup in the automotive industry as a founding Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). Previously, he was working as a country manager for an international fashion e-shop. He started his professional career as a software developer during his studies in National Technical University of Athens and the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He believes that technology is part of the customer experience which can be optimized through structured procedures, measurement and data driven decisions. In the Living Democracy project he is responsible for the technical implementation but also for the coordination and alignment of the country specific website material.

Christos Ampatzis

Christos Ampatzis
Christos Ampatzis (*1979) studied Electrical and Computer Engineering at National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and holds a master’s degree in business administration. While studying at the university he co-founded a web development/design company. Internet industry is his field of work ever since. He worked for private companies as an IT & Marketing Manager for a couple of years and now he provides services as an individual internet consultant in mid-large size companies. In the Living Democracy project he is mainly responsible for the technical implementation and web realization of the project.