You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

3.1 The EDC/HRE pack

The different tools prepared by the Council of Europe include essential background information on various aspects connected with integration of EDC/HRE in educational systems. The major ones, called the “EDC/HRE Pack”, are the following:

  • Tool 1: Policy tool for EDC/HRE: strategic support for decision makers;
  • Tool 2: Democratic governance of schools;
  • Tool 3: How all teachers can support citizenship and human rights education: a framework for the development of competences;
  • Tool 4: Quality assurance of education for democratic citizenship in schools;
  • Tool 5: School-community-university partnerships for a sustainable democracy: Education for Democratic Citizenship in Europe and the United States.

These instruments have been developed by experts from the Council of Europe member states on the basis of the feedback and comments received from various target groups including the EDC/HRE co-ordinators. In addition to the EDC/HRE Pack, a host of supplementary material can be found on the Council of Europe website (

These practical instruments prepared by the Council of Europe in the field of EDC/HRE are generic instruments. In other words, it is recognised that they might need to be adapted to the various situations, developed and used as best suits the needs of each country.