You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

2 – Work file 4: What are my basic attitudes towards students?

  • Empathy, devotion (responsiveness to feelings, thoughts, views and needs), benevolent acceptance (personal esteem does not depend on any conditions), sincerity, stability, reliability
  • Leadership in a spirit of esteem and respect (emotional devotion, inductive reasoning, authoritative control, support of social Integration and democracy)

Relationships and communication in the class

  • Mutual understanding
  • Symmetrie relationships
  • Sexually non-discriminating co-education
  • Meeting other people
  • Friendship
    • Verbal and non-verbal communication
    • Adopting other perspectives and points of view
    • Self-perception and pereeption by others

Atmosphere of conflict prevention

  • Fair and caring Community, Community of learners, shared responsibilities (teachers and students – both male and female)
  • Co-operation, not competition
    • Social learning
    • Rules and Conventions
    • Meta-communication and meta-interaction
    • Limitation and reinforcement

Educational measures

  • Conflict resolution talks
  • “Round table”
  • Games
  • Co-operation as guideline for modifying personal behaviour
  • Supportive feedback
  • Individual responsibilities
  • Punishment
  • Dealing with bullying and violence and in the class or school