You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

2 – Work file 7: How to develop a democratic atmosphere in the classroom

If a teacher decides to organise the classroom more democratically this is connected with a big goal. The following table shows the steps that could be taken.

  1. Where do I stand in which aspects?
  2. Which aspect do I choose for tomorrow, for next week, next year?
  3. How do I act as a teacher in order to make my school benefit from my learning progress?
Short-term objectives Medium-term objectives Long-term objectives
Teacher reduces use of extremely authoritarian expressions Teacher develops habitual use of reversible expressions Mutual understanding between students and teacher
Teacher gives reasons for his/her selection of subjects and materials Teacher offers alternative subjects and teaching materials Joint lesson planning by students and teacher
Teacher explains learning objectives to students Teacher presents alternative learning objectives to students Joint selection of learning objectives by students and teacher
Teacher gives reasons for his choice of teaching methods Teacher presents alternative options of teaching methods Joint decision on teaching methods by students and teacher
Teacher gives reasons for his marking of students’ performance Teacher explains problems of marking Self-assessment by students
Introduction to democratic modes of conflict resolution Teacher ceases to make authoritative use of power to resolve conflict Conflict resolution by means of co-operation and communication
Teacher explains principles of how work in the classroom is organised Students’ suggestions on work organisation are considered Students participate in decisions on organising work in the classroom