You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

2.2 Key questions

For setting objectives:

  • What objectives do I wish to achieve?
  • What competences will be most important at the end of the unit?
  • What reasons do I give for the selection of these objectives?
  • What priority do I give to my objectives (primary and secondary objectives)?
  • What objectives are important now – for the class as a whole, for individual students, male and/ or female?
  • Have I ensured that the objectives that I have selected serve the main interests and needs of my students? Do my lessons really respond to what my students are preoccupied with?
  • Is it possible for the students to participate in the definition or selection of the learning objectives?
  • How much time (lessons and weeks) has been assigned to achieving the objectives?
  • What objectives should be achieved by all the students within the disposable teaching time (general standard of attainment)?
  • Are specific levels of attainment to be defined for individual students (education according to individual ability)?
  • Have I enabled the students to move forward from knowledge to action, that is, can they confidently apply the knowledge they have acquired?
  • What do I focus on in my teaching – cognitive, personal or social competence?
  • Have I got a clear idea of the short- and long-term objectives which are of primary importance for my class, for learning groups, for individual male and female students?
  • Have I clearly and explicitly stated the objectives?

For selecting topics and materials:

  • Which topic have I chosen?
  • What are the reasons for my choice?
  • What is the structure of my topic?
  • Does my choice of topic comply with the syllabus?
  • Which aspects of my topic are interesting for my students?
  • In what way is learning in school linked with learning out of school?
  • Is there a connection between the topic and real life and the students’ environment?
  • Do I have a general understanding of the whole subject matter which enables me to select a specific topic? How can I become better informed? Do I need to carry out any studies or experi­ments before treating the subject in class?
  • What teaching materials are available for the specific aspects of the topic?
  • Will there be a chance for the students, both boys and girls, to draw on their personal experience, knowledge and skills in the lessons (for example, children with a different cultural or linguistic background)?
  • Will the topic be equally suitable for the specific needs of the two sexes?
  • Does the selected topic interest me?