You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

2 – Work file 3: Selecting and using materials in EDC/HRE

Selection of materials transmitted through media

The wider concept of materials implies that both teachers and students select materials. Students do so in their processes of constructivist learning. Here, we focus on the teacher’s role in selecting materials that are to be used in EDC/HRE classes.

Criteria for selecting materials produced by media

  • Reliability: are the author, source, date of production, etc., clearly identifiable? Have the text, data, etc., been taken from the original version, and can the students (at secondary level) see if alterations have been made?
  • Suitability: does the material meet the student’s level of understanding and competence develop­ment, including their experience in deconstructing messages transmitted by media? The materials should be neither too easy nor too difficult; they should demand an effort that improves the students’ skills and adds to knowledge, understanding, and power of judgment.
  • Relevance: does the material meet the students’ interests? Does it address a topic or issue that the students regard as important? Can they link the contents to their preconcepts or experience?
  • Principle of non-indoctrination or pluralism of perspectives: do the materials show different perspectives? Do they avoid the trap of indoctrinating students – in whatever direction of thinking, judgment or interests (see the file on the professional ethics of EDC/HRE teachers in this volume)?

Handling materials produced by students

Written materials, images, etc: the teacher can study these before or after lessons and decide what steps to take.

Spoken student inputs set considerably more difficult tasks for the teacher, as she/he must react spontaneously and often improvise. See the file on chairing plenary discussions in this volume.