You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

1. Introduction

Teachers repeatedly face the problem of justification: what are the reasons for my selection of possible objectives and topics? Identifying a teaching objective and selecting topics mean making a funda­mental decision related to teaching. Objectives should not simply be copied or adapted, nor should they merely be dogmatically imposed. Rather, they should be scrupulously questioned, and their choice should be based on sound reasoning and justification. And then you make – maybe together with the students – a deliberate choice of topics and objectives for teaching, you reflect your decision in a range of wider contexts and you check on your selection of topics to identify their educational value. This task is of crucial importance, as the number of possible teaching topics is endless, while the time disposable for planning and teaching is limited.

The following key questions are intended to guide and assist you in this complex task of selecting and preparing topics for teaching.