You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

1. Introduction: what must students learn?

The objective of EDC/HRE is to enable students to take part in decision-making processes that affect their interests and the Community as a whole.

I can only take action when I have made up my mind, that is, when I know what I want. In somewhat more analytical terms, I must have identified or prioritised my interests or must have judged an issue, a conflict or a problem and decided which line of action to support. Judging in turn requires under­standing, and understanding requires sound information.

Students should therefore understand important political topics – both for their own sake (learning “about” politics), but also to learn the competences that enable them to work independently in taking the necessary steps themselves: acquiring information, analysing and understanding a political issue or problem, and judging. This then enables a young Citizen to participate and take action (learning “for” democratic participation).