You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

2.2 Key questions

Learning process of students:

  • How is successful learning identified and assessed?
  • In what way is self-assessment and assessment by others applied?
  • How do I ensure that the students have achieved the objectives?
  • Did the students regularly experience success while they were learning?
  • Are they aware of the progress they have made?
  • Does my teaching give boys and girls an equal chance of success?
  • Do the students consciously watch, control and improve their learning and working behaviour?
  • Were the students given any guidelines to assist them while learning?
  • Can the students control and assess their learning behaviour and their results themselves?
  • Can the students identify the learning behaviour of other colleagues through peer evaluation?
  • In their self-assessment, do the students also refer to their own objectives, standards, criteria or needs?
  • Do I perceive individual students’ progress?
  • How do I identify learning problems of individual students?
  • How do I observe social interaction in the class?
  • How do I keep a record of my observations and assessments of individual students and the class as a whole?

Learning process of teachers:

  • How is successful learning identified and assessed?
  • In what way is self-assessment and assessment by others applied?
  • How, when and with whom do I reflect on my teaching?
  • How do I let my students participate?
  • How do I relate my students’ success or failure to my teaching?
  • How do I recognise my progress in teaching, and how do I learn as a teacher?