You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

2 – Work file 4: Standards of reference

There are three different basic standards of reference for the assessment and marking of students’ performance:

  1. Individual criterion: the student’s present performance is compared with his or her previous work.
  2. Objective criterion: the student’s performance is compared with the learning objectives that have been defined.
  3. Social criterion: a student’s performance is compared with that of the students within the same class or the same age group.

Type of criterion

Individual criterion

Objective criterion

Social criterion

Reference figure Learning progress Learning objective Normal curve of distribution, arithmetic average, deviation
Information How much has been learned between time 1 and time 2? To what extent has the student approached the learning objective? How big is the deviation of the individual progress from the average?
Type of assessment Tests, verbal assessment, learning progress report, structured form of observation Goal-oriented test, learning progress report, structured form of observation Test including a grade oriented on the average of the class

Pedagogical implication

Very high Very high Is often used for selection; is not important for orientation towards support for students