You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

Unit 1 – Toolbox for teachers

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1. Introduction

EDC/HRE is a distinctive form of educational activity that aims to equip young people to participate as active citizens, and as such employs distinctive forms of learning. Teachers need to be fluent in these forms …

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Tool 1: Task-based learning

How to support learning by setting tasks Interactive teaching and learning plays a key role in most of the activities in the teaching suggested in this manual. The objectives of interactive teaching are cognition (that is, …

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Tool 2: Co-operative learning

This form of teaching is not about simply letting students work in groups in the hope that the work will somehow get done. What is meant by this is a learning process in some shape …

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Tool 3: Chairing plenary sessions (discussion and critical thinking) in EDC/HRE classes

Introduction Students share their thoughts and ideas, guided by their teacher. That is all. The setting is simple, and it requires only a blackboard or flipchart, but the teacher’s task is a demanding one. Plato’s “Socratic …

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Tool 4: Interviewing an expert – how to collect information

In EDC/HRE there are many situations when students need to acquire information by interviewing people who come from outside the classroom. These interviews may take place within class, or the class or a group of students …

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Tool 5. Defining competence-based teaching objectives47

1. Curriculum standard (only one):       2. Please answer the following question: What is a student capable of doing when she or he has acquired the competence that you have in mind? Description:         3. Please describe what a student should …

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