You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

Tool 5. Defining competence-based teaching objectives47

1. Curriculum standard (only one):




2. Please answer the following question:
What is a student capable of doing when she or he has acquired the competence that you have in mind?






3. Please describe what a student should at least be capable of doing, and then think of more advanced levels of achievement.



After my students have taken part in the EDC/HRE classes on … consisting of x lessons …
… the least I would expect from every student is that she/he is able to … … what I would like my students to be able to do is … … actually I hope that my students will be able to …
“Minimum standard” (acceptable) “Regular standard” (satisfactory) “Expert standard” (good)



4. First steps to planning EDC/HRE classes
Objective Input by the teacher Student activities, tasks










47. See the chapter in this volume on competences in EDC/HRE. This tool is based on Ziener G (2008), Bildungsstandards in der Praxis. Kompetenzorientiert unterrichten (2nd edn), Seelze-Velber, p. 56.