You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

Unit 2 – Toolbox for students

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1. Introduction

Teachers who teach EDC/HRE classes can be perfect in their planning and lesson preparation. But despite the best preparation a lesson can go wrong if they forget to consider the students’ skills in certain techniques. …

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Tool 1: Worksheet for students to plan their learning schedules

I will set myself the following objective – for the next chapter/unit/today, etc: … I will tackle the following tasks today: … I am particularly interested in: … I have particular difficulties with: … I have set up the …

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Tool 2: Worksheet for students to reflect on their learning

What were my first learning activities? What were my next learning steps? When did I allow myself to have a break? How long did I learn by myself? How long did I learn together with another child? When did I …

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Tool 3: Worksheet for students to reflect on their achievement

What have I learned? Have I actually made progress? Have I really understood what I have learned? Am I able to apply my newly acquired abilities in different situations? Where and when can I make use of what I …

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Tool 4: Researching in libraries

In libraries you can find lots of information that you need when researching a topic. In order to be able to use this information you need to be able to pick out the most relevant …

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Tool 5: Researching on the Internet

You can find information about every imaginable subject on the Internet. You have to consider how you want to go about finding the most essential and accurate information about your topic. Finding information Jot down keywords about …

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Tool 6: Carrying out interviews and surveys

You can gather information about a topic when you question people about their knowledge of the subject or when you ask them for their opinion. You can ask: specialists – if you want to find something specific …

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Tool 7: Interpreting images

Just like texts, pictures contain a lot of information. The following tips will help you to interpret and understand pictures. Discover information about the picture What are the most important colours in the picture? Where are noticeable shapes, …

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Tool 8: Mind maps

A mind map helps you to organise your thoughts. This is what the term literally means. Mind maps can be useful in many different situations when you have to think about a specific topic: gathering …

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Tool 9: Creating posters

A poster allows you to record your work and present it to your classmates. It is important that a poster is organised in a way that makes people pay attention. It should make the observers …

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Tool 10: Holding exhibitions

An exhibition helps groups of students to present their work so that others (the class or invited guests) can get an idea of what the groups did. The following checklist can help you plan and …

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Tool 11: Planning and giving presentations

You can make a speech to your classmates, your parents or other children in your school. In any case, you’ve got to prepare your speech well. The following checklist will help you do this. Planning a …

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Tool 12: Preparing overhead transparencies or a PowerPoint presentation

PowerPoint presentations or overhead transparencies shown on an overhead projector are often used during presentations and the same rules apply to both. When creating a transparency/slide, pay attention that: the font is clear and legible; only one font …

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Tool 13: Writing newspaper articles

In order to inform others about your topic, you can try playing the role of a reporter and write an article for a newspaper. In EDC/HRE, writing an article is also a way of making …

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Tool 14: Putting on performances

Acting out stories is a good way of reflecting human life. You can also create scenes using a picture, a piece of music or an object. When you act, you take on a role. This …

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Tool 15: Holding debates

A debate can help to make us aware of various opinions about a topic and to understand the advantages and disadvantages of controversial issues. In order to hold a debate, there needs to be a …

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