You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

Tool 1: Worksheet for students to plan their learning schedules

  • I will set myself the following objective – for the next chapter/unit/today, etc: …
  • I will tackle the following tasks today: …
  • I am particularly interested in: …
  • I have particular difficulties with: …
  • I have set up the following plan: … (What will I do first? What will I do after that? Where will I learn? When will I have a break? When will I finish my work?)
  • I will talk my plan over with: …
  • I will be satisfied with my learning if I succeed in the following: …
  • I will provide for the following learning materials: …
  • To ensure that I can work undisturbed, I will take the following measures: …
  • To improve my learning, I will ask the following children for support: …
  • When I am tired, I will pick up new energy by …
  • If I don’t enjoy learning any more I will …