You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

Tool 13: Writing newspaper articles

In order to inform others about your topic, you can try playing the role of a reporter and write an article for a newspaper. In EDC/HRE, writing an article is also a way of making topics public. This can help to change things that are bad in society.

A newspaper article is divided into different sections:

  • headline: should be short and clear;
  • lead paragraph: an introduction to the topic in very few and rather short sentences;
  • authors: who wrote the article?
  • running text: the article itself;
  • headings: to help the reader to see “chapters”;
  • picture: a meaningful picture relevant to the text with a short explanation underneath.


  • Compare a newspaper article from today’s newspaper with the example you see above. Can you find the different sections?
  • Highlight the sections using different colours.
  • Pay attention to the font styles (bold, normal, italics).
  • Compare your newspaper article with those of your classmates.
  • Use these sections in your own newspaper article.