You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

Tool 14: Putting on performances

Acting out stories is a good way of reflecting human life. You can also create scenes using a picture, a piece of music or an object. When you act, you take on a role. This means that you try to take on the feelings of a specific person and act these out. After the performance, everybody will be able to think about which parts of the performance appeared “real” and which parts were imagined.

“Free” performing

  • Write down key words that represent the performance.
  • Decide who will play which role and what is important to remember in each role.
  • Gather all the necessary materials.
  • Rehearse the performance.
  • Get the stage ready.
  • Enjoy the show.

Afterwards, discuss the following questions:

  • What could you see?
  • Did everybody understand everything?
  • What was particularly good?
  • Was something missing in your opinion?
  • What was a bit too exaggerated?
  • What questions do we have about the content?

Creating a performance from a text

Read the story together and create scenes:

  • Who was involved? Where did it take place?
  • How did the people deal with the situation? What did they say?
  • How did others react?
  • How did the story end?
  • Decide upon the number of acts in the performance.
  • Who will play which role? What costumes will be necessary?
  • Rehearse your performance.
  • Evaluate your performance together with your classmates.

Creating a performance from an image

  • Look for a picture that could be used as the basis for a play.
  • Imagine yourself in the picture.
  • Gather ideas: how did/do the people you see in the picture live? What are they happy about? What are they unhappy about?
  • Create a performance using this picture and note down key words for each scene.
  • Decide upon the number of acts in the performance.
  • Decide who will play which role and what is important in this role.
  • Rehearse the performance and find props.
  • Get the stage ready and invite the guests.
  • Evaluate your performance together with your classmates.