You are reading Volume I
Educating for democracy

Tool 9: Creating posters

A poster allows you to record your work and present it to your classmates. It is important that a poster is organised in a way that makes people pay attention. It should make the observers curious to find out more.

In a small group, examine the important features of a successful poster and think about what elements you can integrate into your own poster.

If you have already prepared your poster, you can use these features as a checklist to evaluate another poster.


Title: should be short and interesting; visible from a distance.

Writing: should be large enough and legible. If you use the computer, don’t use too many different fonts. Write short sentences that are visible from a distance.

Pictures, photographs, graphics: these should support what you have to say and make the poster interesting. Limit yourself to a few impressive ones.

Presentation: where should the title, headings, bullets, symbols, boxes, photographs or pictures go? Sketch out your poster before you begin.

Put it together carefully: the poster should fill the chosen format but shouldn’t be cramped.