You are reading Volume II
Growing up in democracy

Student handout for Unit 8, lesson 1: Task to decide between “WANTS” and “NEEDS”

  • As a group, choose 10 pictures out of the whole collection. Five of them have to fit the category of “WANTS” and five of them should fit the category of “NEEDS” (if two or more groups want the same picture, try to find a solution).
  • Discuss your choices:
    • Why is this important in my life?
    • What would it mean if I didn’t have this?
    • What do I want to have or attain later in life?
    • What does this mean for me as a boy/a girl?
  • Sort the 10 chosen pictures according to importance and explain why you have chosen them in this order. Can you find a solution that suits all group members?
  • Two group members should hold the clothes line and one person should explain each choice. Only explain your first and last choices. Try to explain in your own words the difference between “WANTS” and “NEEDS”. Can you find a “definition” for both?