You are reading Volume II
Growing up in democracy

Student handout for Unit 8, lesson 2: Human rights: a list for comparing rights and needs

Basic rights list The “NEEDS” we have defined To which article of the original human rights declaration does this belong?
Right to live, exist
Right to work
Right to own property
Right to free speech
Right to security
Right to protection from violence
Right to protection of the law
Right not to be arrested unless there is reason to think that a crime has been committed
Right to a fair trial
Right to be seen as innocent, even if a person is arrested, until the person is found to be guilty by a fair court
Right to be a citizen of a country
Right to vote
Right to seek asylum if a country treats a person badly
Right to think freely
Right to practise a religion
Right to peacefully protest (speak against) a government or group
Right to a basic standard of living (food, shelter, clothing, etc.)
Right to education
Right to health care (medical care)
Right of any adult of full age to marry, no matter what race, religion or sexual identity