You are reading Volume II
Growing up in democracy

7. Holding exhibitions

An exhibition helps groups of students to present their work so that others (the class or invited guests) can get an idea of what the groups did. The following checklist can help you plan and hold an exhibition.


1. What do we want to demonstrate

  • What is the main message that your exhibition is trying to get across?
  • What could the title of your exhibition be?

2. Who is the audience?

  • Children and teachers from your school?
  • Parents and siblings?
  • Clients from a tourist off ce?

3. Where will the exhibition take place?

  • In the classroom or somewhere in the school?
  • In a public place (at the town hall, for example)?
  • Will there be enough space and light?
  • Will we be able to have the infrastructure we need?

4. How do we hold a memorable exhibition?

  • Allow models and objects to be touched?
  • Allow room for playing, trying things out, observing, or experimenting?
  • Play music or perform it ourselves?
  • Offer snacks?
  • Offer a guided tour of the exhibition?
  • Create a flyer as a guide to the exhibition?
  • Create a contest or a quiz?

5. Who has to be informed beforehand?

  • Teachers in our school?
  • Canteen, cleaning, maintenance and support staff?
  • School board members?
  • Principal?
  • Experts who can help us?
  • Guests?

6. What do we have to do?

  • Create a personal checklist?
  • Create a list of materials?
  • Create a time plan (who does what by when)?
  • Know how much money is available and how much has been used?
  • Create a flyer or an invitation?
  • Inform the local newspapers?

7. How will the exhibition be evaluated?

  • What are the most important criteria?
  • Who will evaluate the exhibition (teachers, classmates, guests)?