You are reading Volume II
Growing up in democracy

9. Preparing overhead transparencies or a PowerPoint presentation

PowerPoint presentations or overhead transparencies shown on an overhead projector are often used during presentations and the same rules apply to both.

When creating a transparency/slide, pay attention that:

  • the font is clear and legible;
  • only one font is used;
  • the print is large;
  • there’s enough space between the lines;
  • there’s not much text on each transparency/slide;
  • the transparencies/slides are clean with no black toner or copy marks;
  • there are enough large, visible pictures, maps and graphics;
  • there are only a few different colours and symbols;
  • there are not too many transparencies/slides.

Which is better – overhead transparencies or a PowerPoint presentation?

There are advantages and disadvantages to each. Here you will find a few important hints that can make it easier for you to choose between using overhead transparencies or a PowerPoint presentation.

Which form of presentation is right for your needs?

Read through the following points to help you choose.

Overhead transparencies are good if:

  • you have fewer than five transparencies to show;
  • you want to show or explain something in between showing the transparencies;
  • you want to write on a transparency during the presentation;
  • you only want to show one picture on each transparency;
  • you want to cover and uncover something on the picture;
  • you want to share the task in your group and assign one transparency to each group member.

PowerPoint presentations are good if:

  • you have a lot of information to present;
  • you have a large number of slides;
  • you want to show pieces of information one after another on the same slide;
  • you want to show something from the Internet during your presentation;
  • you want to show a video clip, a digital image or something that has been saved onto your computer;
  • you want to use the video at a later point in time or put it together in another way.