You are reading Volume II
Growing up in democracy

Lesson 3 – This is our coat of arms (coat of arms part II)

We are strong as a group because we are individuals

Learning objectives The students become aware of the potential of their individual strengths that they bring to a group. They agree on a name and motto for the group.
Student tasks In groups of four, the students explain their personal symbols to the other members of the group. They create a joint coat of arms and agree on a name, a motto and a common symbol for it. The students present their coats of arms to the class.
Resources Copies of the coat of arms from the previous lesson, coloured pens, glue.
Methods Group work (in fours) and group presentation.

Lesson description

Continuing from lesson 2, the students discuss the symbols they have produced and share their thoughts. The teacher then asks the students to perform the following tasks:

  • Explain your symbol(s) to your group members;
  • Glue all parts of the symbol(s) onto your coat of arms;
  • Find a common symbol for your group (centre), a motto for your ideas (top flag) and a name for your group (bottom flag).

The teacher should tell the students that decisions have to be made together in order that everyone can identify with the decision.

The completed coats of arms are then presented to the plenary session by a group member and are displayed alongside everyone else’s on the wall.