You are reading Volume II
Growing up in democracy

Lesson 1: What is Europe?

What I know about Europe

Learning objectives The students re-activate their knowledge about Europe and discover their view of the continent.
Student tasks The students work with a map of Europe. They indicate where they come from, they write down what cities they know, which countries are familiar to them, and which f ags and other important things they know, etc.
Resources Printed copies of the map of Europe, country portraits, pens, glue, scissors, atlas, books, Internet (if possible).
Methods Individual work, plenary discussion.

Lesson description

The students are given a printed copy of a blank map of Europe (ideally enlarged to A3 size). Their task is to re-activate what they know about Europe. They start to work on the different questions listed underneath the map.

The teacher then presents the information pack in the students’ handout section (countries and capitals, flags, rivers, mountains and landforms). The students will work with this material but can also collect information using other resources, as far as these are available in the classroom (Internet, atlas, books, etc.).

The f nished maps of Europe are displayed on the wall.

As homework, the students chose one European country to do research on at home. They fill in the “Country portrait” up to lesson 2. They also find a partner who they can work with in the following lessons and who ideally chose a neighbouring country to theirs.