You are reading Volume II
Growing up in democracy

Lesson 4: A campaign for our new school rules

Evaluating the new rules and presenting them

Learning objectives The students understand important criteria for good laws. They learn how to campaign for new school rules.
Student tasks The students collect different criteria for good rules. They test their new school rules according to these various criteria. They write down the final agreement and sign it. They present their agreement to the other classes in the school.
Resources Flipchart, handout, paper, pencils, copy of the agreement for other classes, the results of the brainstorming session from lesson 1.
Methods Pair work, plenary discussion, presentations to other classes.

Lesson description

The teacher presents the results of the brainstorming session from lesson 1 (criteria for rules). Students are given the task of testing their new school rules according to these criteria. They work in pairs and fill in the handout.

The students return into a plenary session and present the results of their analysis. Are there any major changes in the school rules? If so, these changes also have to be made in the agreement.

The new school rules are copied for presentation to other classes.

The teacher divides the students into groups of four. The groups should go to different classes and present the new school rules.

It is important to clarify the process beforehand. What will the students in the other classes have to do? Should they evaluate the new school rules? What happens next?

The groups practise their presentation of the new school rules, including giving reasons why the old rules were changed. Then they go to other classes and make their presentations.

After the presentations, a short debriefing takes place in a plenary session.