You are reading Volume II
Growing up in democracy

Lesson 3: Presentation time!

Groups of students show their technical media skills

Learning objectives The students become technical specialists for their chosen media device. They learn how to present prepared information.
Student tasks As specialists for their chosen media devices, students make presentations in groups.
Resources Media devices, individual means for making presentations.
Methods Group presentations.


Lesson description

This lesson (or this series of lessons depending on the number of presentations) should be prepared by the student. The presentations will be the focal point. The teacher’s role will be mainly to accompany the teams during the preparation phase. Depending on the presentation skills of the students, this task can be quite complex.

The students should think carefully about how they want to convey all the information in their presentations. The toolbox for students contains various means of support to help with this, such as advice on:

  • creating posters;
  • preparing transparencies; and
  • planning and giving presentations.

Some groups might wish to rehearse their presentations. From the teacher’s point of view, giving the students the possibility to show their presentations to teachers or to classmates beforehand, including providing them with feedback, can give students a sense of security and can have a great impact on future presentations. This is important in relation to EDC/HRE, as one of the main competences in the use of methods in a democracy is to present one’s own information and opinions freely and in a convincing way.