You are reading Volume III
Living in democracy

Student handout 1.1: (Group 2) Role play

Agree on a representative of your group who will read aloud the short entry from the diary and the task for your group.

Appoint another member of your group who will take notes of your results and present them to the class.

Entry from Max’s diary:

“There is a big football pitch in front of our school building. I was happy about this because I like playing football. So I brought along my ball and wanted to start training. I had just started shooting a goal or two when the school warden stopped me. He was angry and asked me if I couldn’t read. I hadn’t seen the sign saying that the pitch was closed after it had rained. I was so shocked that I went home without saying a word.”


  1. Collect a list of adjectives that you think Max’s fellow students in class would use to describe him (brainstorming in your group).
  2. What do you think a student in Max’s class will tell the other students about him? Rehearse a short scene that you can act in class.