You are reading Volume III
Living in democracy

Student handout 3.6: Key elements of human rights15

      1. Right to life.
      2. Freedom from torture.
      3. Freedom from slavery.
      4. Right to liberty and security.
      5. Right to a fair trial.
      6. Right to an effective remedy in case of violations.
      7. Freedom from discrimination; right to equality.
      8. Right to be recognised as a person; right to nationality.
      9. Right to privacy and family life.
      10. Right to marry.
      11. Right to own property.
      12. Right to movement of persons.
      13. Right to asylum.
      14. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
      15. Freedom of expression.
      16. Freedom of assembly and association.
      17. Right to food, drink and housing.
      18. Right to health care.
      19. Right to education.
      20. Right to employment.
      21. Right to rest and leisure.
      22. Right to social protection.
      23. Right to political participation.
      24. Right to take part in cultural life.
      25. Prohibition of destruction of human rights.
      26. Right to a social order that recognises human rights.Duties of the individual.


15. This list is based on the teacher’s resource sheet in Unit 5, “Rights, liberties and responsibilities”.