You are reading Volume III
Living in democracy

Student handout 3.5: Situation cards: the islanders

Look at the following situations and decide in your own groups what you think should be done about them.

Islanders Settlers
1I New fences

Some of the settlers have started putting up fences around their houses, across the tracks you have always used to follow the herds. You have torn some of them down.

1S New fences

Islanders have torn down some of the fences you have put up to keep in the animals you have caught.

2I The trespasser
An islander was crossing an area that had been fenced in by the settlers and he has been shot and killed.
2S The trespasser
Islanders have been trespassing across some of the land you have fenced in for your animals. One was given a warning and then shot.
3I A mixed marriage
One of the islanders has fallen in love with a settler woman. They want to get married and live in one of the settler communities. The man’s family are very unhappy about it.
3S A mixed marriage
One of the settler women has fallen in love with an islander. They want to get married and live in a settler community. Some of the settlers are unhappy about it.
4I Sacred places
Some of the settlers are digging for minerals in the mountains where you believe the spirits of your ancestors live. These places are sacred to you. In protest, you have attacked some of the men doing the digging.
4S Sacred places
You have discovered valuable minerals in the mountains. You will be able to seil these minerals to traders back home. The islanders seem to regard the mountains as sacred, which you think is just superstition. They have attacked the men doing the digging.
5I Education
Some of the settlers have opened a school and have invited your children to come along and learn to read and write.
5S Education
Some of the settlers have opened a school. They have invited the islanders to send their children to the school.