You are reading Volume III
Living in democracy

Student handout 4.2: Conflict scenarios

Conflict 1

Two neighbours disagree with each other about the fence that exists between their respective properties. One neighbour wants to replace the fence with a new one, as he believes that the old one is not in good condition any more. He expects his neighbour to pay half the cost of the new one. The other neighbour agrees that the fence is not in good condition, but he doesn’t want to spend money on a new one. He thinks that the existing fence, although it doesn’t look good, at least manages to keep the neighbour’s dog out of his garden. Moreover, he doesn’t like his neighbour always showing off with new, more expensive things.

Conflict 2

Father and mother deeply disagree with each other about how to react when their two-year-old baby makes too much noise inside their apartment. The father believes that his child has to learn how to behave, and that this learning process has to begin as early as possible. Moreover, he prefers to have peace and quiet during his free time, as his job is a very tiring one. The mother feels that you cannot constantly stop a two-year-old child from playing or crying, because it will frustrate the child too much and harm its development.