You are reading Volume III
Living in democracy

Student handout 4.3: Five cases of conflicting human rights

Case 1

Max is an eight-year-old boy who was seriously wounded in an accident and urgently needs a blood transfusion at a hospital. However, his father forbids the hospital staff to carry it out for religious reasons. His mother and the doctors would like to save his life.

Case 2

In a hospital, only a limited number of people work in the emergency department. It is a hectic evening and there is only room for one more person to have immediate emergency treatment. Since the lives of two people are still in danger, the doctors have to decide whether to treat a young child or a successful businessman.

Case 3

Gus is a well-respected member of a religious political party, which strongly emphasises family values. A journalist who visits the party’s headquarters discovers by chance a series of personal letters from X, from which he can conclude without doubt that Gus is having an extramarital relationship. The journalist publishes the story.

Case 4

Youtchou lives in a Third World country. He is poor and is able to meet his basic needs, but nothing more. He would like to start studying, but cannot find the necessary means to do so. His country is not able to provide him with the resources needed, as the state of the economy is very bad and it has to use all the resources available to cover the basic needs of the population.

Case 5

The local authorities are planning to build a new school on a piece of land which is one of the rare places where children can still play.