You are reading Volume III
Living in democracy

Student handout 6.2: Schmitt’s dilemma

Schmitt’s only daughter is very ill. She needs an operation urgently but the only doctors in the area who can do it need money before they will treat anyone. Schmitt doesn’t know what to do. He and his wife have some savings which they were hoping would help them buy a small shop. They will gladly give all this to save their daughter, but it is not nearly enough.

Schmitt begs the doctors to do the operation for less, but they say they cannot do this, as it would be unfair on everyone else who has to pay full price. Schmitt asks his family and friends to lend him some money, but this raises only a little more. And all the time Schmitt’s daughter is growing weaker and weaker.

In desperation, Schmitt considers stealing the rest of the money to save his daughter’s life.