You are reading Volume III
Living in democracy

Student handout 6.4: Card sort: the life of Jelena Santic

Jelena Santic was born in 1944.
She was Serbian.
Jelena Santic died of cancer in 2000.
After Jelena died, some of her friends took a stone from a bombed building in Belgrade. It was decorated by refugee children who had come from Kosovo. Then the stone was taken to the Jelena Santic Park of Peace in Berlin as a symbol.
Jelena Santic and Group 484 ran Project Pakrac in Croatia, which helped to build trust between Serbs and Croats after the war in 1991. She was joined by volunteers from both sides and from the international community in this project.
Jelena Santic was a founder member and leader of an organisation called Group 484. Group 484 is a non-governmental organisation (NGO). Group 484 encourages non-violent conflict resolution, toleration and co-operation as the basis for building humane societies.
Jelena wrote articles against nationalism and racism, which were published internationally. She was awarded an international peace prize for her work by an organisation called Pax Christi.
In Berlin, there is a park of peace named after Jelena Santic, in recognition of her work. Jelena had spoken at a public meeting in this park.
Jelena Santic became an internationally famous ballerina and ballet teacher.
Jelena Santic was an anti-war campaigner and she fought for the human rights of all people. She and her organisation worked hard to bring help to the refugees that flooded into Serbia.
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Group 484 got its name because one of its first projects worked with 484 families from Croatia who had been made homeless by war. Group 484 gave the refugees help, comfort and advice about their rights.