You are reading Volume III
Living in democracy

Student handout 8.2: Discussion cards

A police officer tells the court that Manuel confessed he had stolen the car when he was being questioned at the police station. A young man tells the court that Manuel is always bragging about stealing cars.
A young girl tells the court that she overheard a friend of hers talking to Manuel on his mobile phone. Her friend was talking to Manuel about stealing Mr Kay’s car. Mr Kay tells the court that he thinks Manuel must be the chief suspect as he had borne a grudge against the Kay family ever since Mr Kay stopped Stefan from seeing his daughter.
One of Manuel’s teachers tells the court how he caught Stefan stealing from school several times when he was at school. Manuel has no one to back up his alibi that he was alone at home on the evening the car was stolen.
When asked by the prosecutor, “Did you see a young man like Manuel driving away the car that evening?”, a neighbour of the Kay’s told the court, “Yes, I did.”