You are reading Volume IV
Taking part in democracy

Materials for teachers 3A: Four basic political standpoints

The liberal standpoint: individual freedom first

  • Key principles: personal freedom and responsibility.
  • Protection of human and civil rights.
  • Free trade and competition as the driving force of progress, modernisation and increasing welfare.
  • Capitalism works best if left alone.
  • A strong state – but one that confines itself to the rule of law.
  • Generous social security benefits make people lazy.
  • Personal effort and success must pay – don’t tax income and profits too heavily

Slogan: No risk, no freedom.

The social democrat standpoint: equality first

  • Key principles: equality, solidarity, social security.
  • Protection of the weak, the poor, the less privileged.
  • Unless it is controlled, capitalism will deepen the social divide. There is no alternative to capital­ism, but its effects need to be controlled and corrected by political means.
  • We need a system of social security to care for families, invalids, the sick, the old, the unem-ployed, and the poor.
  • Solidarity means that the strong support those in need.

Slogan: United we stand – divided we fall.

The conservative standpoint: security first

  • Key principles: security and stability.
  • A strong state is important to protect the country from dangers and threats.
  • A strong state rests on a modern, efficient economy.
  • The deepening of the social divide should be avoided.
  • The family needs special protection.
  • Citizens should only ask for support if they cannot cope with their problems themselves.

Slogan: A strong State in a healthy economy.

The green standpoint: natural environment first

  • Key principles: protection of the natural environment, responsibility for future generations.
  • Our present way of life, geared to economic growth and fossil fuel consumption, is a serious threat to our future.
  • International agreements are necessary to protect the environment on a global level.
  • We carry responsibility for future generations, and for the whole planet.
  • Small changes in our everyday lives can make a difference.

Slogan: You cant eat money.