You are reading Volume IV
Taking part in democracy

Student handout 3.1: Schedule for unit 3 “Diversity and pluralism”

Agenda: negotiating a shared definition of the common good Time budget (minutes)
Lesson 1 Diversity of individual opinions: the students define their political priorities
1. The students define political goals. 25 min
2. The students analyse their decisions. 15 min
Lesson 2
Pluralism: the students establish parties to achieve their goals
1. The students define the profiles of their parties. 15 min
2. Publicity event: the parties present their profiles. 10 min
3. Teacher’s input: the concept of the common good. 5 min
4. The students discuss their negotiation strategies. 10 min
Lesson 3
Negotiations: can we (or the majority) agree on a political goal (the common good)?
1. The students define their goals. 10 min
2. The students negotiate at a round table. 35 min
Lesson 4
Reflection on the unit
1. The students reflect on their experience. 20 min
2. Follow-up discussion. 15 min
3. The students give feedback. 5 min