You are reading Volume IV
Taking part in democracy

Student handout 5.4: Procedural rules for the conference – draft version

Adoption of procedural rules

  1. The community adopts a draft set of procedural rules by a majority of 50% or more of all votes cast.
  2. If no alterations are suggested to this draft, it may be adopted by one block vote. Alterations need to be voted on separately.


  3. By majority vote, a community member is appointed as chairperson. The chairperson may participate in the vote on the draft frameworks, but may not perform as spokesperson (rule no. 5).

    Final promotion statements

  4. The community members show their preference for a draft model by a show of hands. They form parties that may lobby for their model.
  5. A spokesperson makes a promotional statement for his/her party lasting no more than two minutes.
  6. During the voting procedure, no further debating is allowed.

    Voting procedure

  7. Voting: the community members adopt a draft by vote. All votes count equally. The members vote by a show of hands.
  8. Two-stage decision: the vote on the drafts takes place in two rounds.
    8.1   First round: the community members vote for one of the drafts.
    8.2   Second round: the two drafts with the highest amount of votes are voted on a second time. The community adopts the draft that receives the higher number of votes.
    8.3  If both drafts receive an equal number of votes, a discussion is held before the vote is repeated. 

    Documentation and authorisation

  9. The writer of the draft enters the date and place of the conference at the end of the rules document.
  10. All community members sign the document.