You are reading Volume IV
Taking part in democracy

Student handout 5.6: Feedback on units 4 and 5

This questionnaire is a tool to support you in reflecting on your personal learning experience. It is also an important piece of information for the teacher so that he/she can improve EDC/HRE classes in future. Write on the back page, or add further sheets of paper if you need more space.

  1. What I enjoyed most:
  2. What I disliked most:
  3. The most important and/or interesting thing that I learnt:
  4. What I would like to work on next:
  5. My opinion on using games in EDC/HRE:
  6. Suggestions for the teacher:
    • What worked well – what shouldn’t be changed?
    • Suggestions for improvement
  7. Other points – what else I would like to say: