You are reading Volume IV
Taking part in democracy

Student handout 8.6: Worksheet for news story writers

The task

Form three tandem teams.

Write a news story on the debate and present your article in the following lesson. Hang it up on the wall, if possible in two or three copies.

Each team works for a different kind of newspaper/periodical:

  • tabloid paper;
  • quality paper;
  • youth magazine.

The profile of the three papers – what the readers expect

There are some general rules on how to write a good news story – see student handout 9.1.

But, on the other hand, each paper reports to a different audience, so your news story should appeal to this target group if you want the readers to buy the paper that gives you your job. That means your news stories will be quite different, although you are reporting on the same debate. Look at the way this is done in a real paper.

Type of paper

What readers expect

*** top priority / ** important / * nice to have

Entertainment Pictures Information
(the issue and the arguments)

Young people’s point
of view

“personal touch”
Tabloid paper ** ** ** * ***
Quality paper * ** *** * *
Youth magazine ** ** ** *** *