You are reading Volume IV
Taking part in democracy

Student handout 9.1: Creating a wall newspaper – making choices

Task instructions

You will produce your own wall newspaper. Prepare this work by thinking about your ideas. What stories, articles and pictures do you suggest? Give your reasons, as this will help you when you discuss your final choices.

Points to consider (criteria)

1. Newsworthiness

What is the importance of the story?Does the story contain important or critical information that your readers should know about?

2. Lead story

The lead story should be an eye-catcher to attract potential readers.

Can you support the lead story by adding a picture?

3. Photographs

Consider a picture with a subtext instead of a story.

4. Balance of contents




breaking news/
“human interest”

stories of success/
stories of conflict

Your suggestions Your reasons
1. Lead story?                                 
2. Other stories?
3. Leader (comment) – on what story?
4. Photographs – on what stories?
5. Stories and topics of less importance – what can be dropped?

Based on: Center for Media Literacy (2005), Five Key Questions That Can Change the World, Lesson 1c, p. 21 (adapted);