You are reading Volume IV
Taking part in democracy

Student handout 9.2: Tips for producing a wall newspaper

Assign the following tasks to different team members (see the briefing notes below):

  • a chief editor to chair your meeting;
  • a time manager to supervise the production of your newspaper;
  • a presenter to explain your decisions in the follow-up plenary session.

Draft schedule

  1. Adopt or modify this draft schedule.
  2. Discuss and decide what topics to choose – and to omit (student handout 9.1).
  3. Assign research and/or writing tasks to each team member. Agree on a schedule for your work.
  4. Do your work on your news stories – research, writing, collecting materials and pictures.
  5. Assemble your wall newspaper.
  6. Display your newspaper in class.

Briefing notes

Chief editor

You chair the discussions and decision making in your team.

Make sure that everyone has the chance to share their ideas and thoughts with the team. Intervene when you see that someone is not being listened to.

Suggest what stories should be included in your newspaper.

Make sure that the team works efficiently. Suggest a working schedule that is realistic by allowing sufficient time for the basics – collecting Information and writing.

Time manager

You supervise the schedule of the newspaper production.

If you find out that the team is behind schedule and will have problems in getting finished, talk to the team members, and inform the chief editor.

Suggest what the team can do to get finished in time.


In the follow-up lesson, please give a brief presentation to explain to the other teams the reasons why you:

  • chose a certain topic as lead story;
  • what other topics you considered including, and why you finally chose or dropped them;
  • why you chose the photographs;
  • any other issues that your team discussed.