You are reading Volume VI
Teaching Democracy

Exercise 3.3. – The human rights tree

Educational objective The students develop a conceptual framework to judge human rights.
Resources Coloured pens, large sheets of paper to put on the wall.


  1. The teacher divides the students into small groups of three to five people.
  2. He/she asks them to draw a nice tree and call it “our human rights tree”. Near the bottom of the trank of the tree they should write “human rights”.
  3. Then the tree should have some main branches with some of the key concepts the students think are, or should be, included in human rights. Around these main branches there can be a number of smaller branches with things they think are connected to the main ones.
  4. After a given amount of time the groups put their drawing on the wall and explain to the others what they have written on it. These posters can be left on the wall for some time. They will serve as decorations and can possibly also be used again during later lessons.


After having learned about the students’ ideas about human rights, one can go on to study human rights or children’s rights in more detail and find out to what extent the actual rights correspond with what the students have written.