You are reading Volume VI
Teaching Democracy

Exercise 3.5. – Wants and needs

Educational objective The students understand the difference between things they want or would like and what they really need.
Resources Paper, pens, scissors.


  1. The teacher asks the students to draw some of the things they think they need on pieces of paper (the teacher may prepare the pieces before the lesson or make the students cut them out themselves). They can make around 8-10 drawings each.
  2. When the drawings have been done, the teacher divides the students into groups.
  3. Each group then has to agree to put away all but five of the drawings. Only the five most important things should be left on the table. Then the groups explain to each other what they have chosen. Have they all chosen the same?


The teacher hangs a clothes-line (string) across the classroom and pegs a number of the drawings onto the line. He/she discusses with the class which drawings can be removed, things they do not really need. In the end there should only be five drawings hanging on the line. Can the students agree on which five?