You are reading Volume VI
Teaching Democracy

Exercise 3.6. – The treasure box

Educational objectives This is an exercise for children under six. They understand that children have rights, realise that such rights exist and understand that it is important to respect them.
Resources The treasure box is an extremely pretty box that the children have decorated and filled themselves (with newspaper articles, UNICEF pictograms illustrating children’s rights, dolls and various objects).


  1. In the beginning, the box contains:
    • two pictograms representing the right to equality and the right of the physically or mentally disabled to assistance;
    • two dolls representing children from Guatemala.
  2. By collecting objects representing the rights of the child and putting them into the treasure box, the children understand the importance of these rights. The treasure box project should be continued until the end of primary school.
  3. In addition to the class’s large treasure box, each student has his or her own little treasure box.