You are reading Volume VI
Teaching Democracy

Exercise 4.1. – All different, all equal

Educational objectives The students learn to know and accept each other in a group.
The students discover what they have in common that they were unaware of.
The students become aware of attitudes and practices related to difference.
Resources A piece of chalk or a string to make a line on the ground.


  1. The teacher calls out a series of characteristics one by one. As soon as it is mentioned, those who recognise that they have the characteristic cross the line. Examples: all those who …
    • are wearing jeans
    • have blue eyes
    • are older
    • have visited other countries in Europe
    • regularly read a newspaper
    • have been subjected to discrimination
    • have homosexual friends
    • have prejudices, etc. The students can be asked to suggest characteristics, but the teacher must be aware of what might be sensitive.
  2. The students discuss the following issues:
    • Did anyone find themselves in a group with someone with whom they thought they had nothing in common?
    • How does it feel to be part of a large group?
    • How does it feel to be alone?


As soon as a characteristic is mentioned, students move in the class to form groups composed of people with the same characteristics. They stay together for a moment in order to discuss what they have in common. What they say concerns preferences and behaviour, for example.