You are reading Volume VI
Teaching Democracy

Exercise 5.2. – The exception

Educational objective The students are introduced to the topic of discrimination.
Resources Different numbers of coloured stickers, and one white sticker.


The students work in pairs.

  1. The teacher attaches a sticker to each student’s forehead. The students must not know which colour they have. They should therefore close their eyes when receiving their sticker.
  2. The students open their eyes. Each student must now find the other members of his or her group, with the groups finally formed by their colours.
  3. Plenary feedback and reflection. Questions and inputs such as the following are suggested:
    • How did you feel when you met the first person wearing a sticker identical to yours?
    • How did the person wearing the single white sticker feel?
    • Did you try to help each other in your group?
    • How can the person wearing the white sticker be integrated?
  4. The exercise may serve to introduce the students to the relationship between majority and minority groups in society:
    • Who are the exceptions, the excluded ones, in society?
    • Can being the exception, or marginal, be a personal choice?


The exercise may be taken further by giving advantages to one group. The students may be more involved, but this arrangement might also generate stress and hostility. The teacher should know the class well and must be prepared to react appropriately.