You are reading Volume VI
Teaching Democracy

Exercise 6.3. – If I were a magician

Educational objectives The students are encouraged to create meaningful visions. A person without utopian visions is confined to accepting the status quo.
The students are given the chance to use their talents (creativity).
Resources Paper and a marker pen.


  1. The students are asked to imagine themselves in the role of a magician.
  2. They read:
    “If I were a great magician, I would arrange for men, women and children never again to live through what happened during the war, and for this to happen …”
    Each student completes the following sentences:

    • I would stop …
    • I would close …
    • I would forget…
    • I would oppose …
    • I would continue …
    • I would create …
  3. In turn, the students read out their answers in a plenary session. It is suggested that the chairs are arranged in a circle.
  4. Evaluation: the students point out and discuss which desires and needs they have discovered.


The students deal with the question as to whether anything could be done to make one of their wishes come true.


For older students:

“If I were an architect…”: the students imagine what their school, or the town or city they live in, could or should look like.

The students can reflect on their wishes and relate them to basic traditions of political thought (Liberal, Conservative, Socialist, Friends of the Earth).