You are reading Volume VI
Teaching Democracy

Exercise 8.8. – Images of war and peace

Educational objectives The students can define aspects of war and peace.
The students develop the skill of reading images.
The students are able to express their personal ideas and feelings about war and peace.
Resources A pool of pictures (including photos, cartoons, advertisements, etc.).


  1. Some photographs are displayed to the students. Ideally the photos are hung up on the wall around the classroom or in a well-lit corridor. The students should be able to view the pictures as in an exhibition.
  2. The students receive the opportunity to react spontaneously. Which images represent peace – or war? The teacher does not press a student to comment At the end of this introductory step, he/she points out if the students have agreed in their comments or not. Differences of perception are not discussed further.
  3. The students select a photograph that appeals to them particularly They should be able to view it closely if they wish. In silence, they answer the following questions in writing:
    • What do you see (description)?
    • What are your thoughts (reflection and imagination)?
    • What are your feelings (emotions)?
  4. In groups of four the students select images and form pairs of contrasts. They may include some of the photos they have studied in step 3, but they may also choose other photos.
  5. The students present their selections in the plenary and give reasons for their choice. If time is running out, each group should present at least one pair of contrasts.
  6. Reflection. The students express their feelings and thoughts. They may ask questions about the situations referred to in the photos, and these questions could lead to further study.


The same subject can be studied in literature and painting. The class organises an exhibition on the themes.